Where to start with this one...We could start with the physical abuse, or the verbal abuse, or how childish this guy is. Mike Rice needs help and that is clearly evident in the videos of the Rutgers basketball practice videos.
If you are not quite sure what happened, you can watch the video here on my Youtube page. What kind of person does this? He was throwing balls at the kid's heads and their ankles, swearing at them, and physically grabbing them. This man has issues and he needs help.
Apparently, Athletic Director Tim Pernetti viewed the video in late November. Pernetti decided the best route to go would be to suspend Coach Rice for just three games, slap him with a $50,000 fine, as well as require him to take anger management classes. Are you kidding? A three game suspension will teach him! Not only that but he can easily pay that fine with the $100,000 he is owed from his contract for completing the season.
So did that really help? Why wasn't more done? This guy should have been fired right away if you ask me. Coaches, or anyone for that matter, cannot just walk around abusing kids and acting like rabid animals.
Then I thought that coaches certainly can get fired up and intensely excited. Mike Rice, is on a whole different level of that. What really was this guy thinking when he was up in the faces of his players and whipping balls at their heads?
Rice was finally fired on April 3rd. I am just wondering what took so long. These are the guys that are supposed to be preaching to kids about anti-bullying. That is something "grown ups" should be doing. Instead, Rice took it completely in the opposite direction.
You can watch Mike Rice's apology here. I noticed in Mike's apology that he seemed to choose his words carefully. Part of me wants to believe the guy is remorseful. He certainly doesn't make any "BS" excuses for his actions, which helps. But damn, I have one question for you Coach Rice: "What the HOFF?"
Photo Acquired From: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Rutgers-Fires-Abusive-Coach-Mike-Rice-over-Practice-Video-342738.shtml
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